Drupal offers effective SEO modules to optimize the natural SEO of your website. Here are 4 modules which will allow you to have a good base so that your site is search engine friendly.
The SEO module "Metatag"
The <meta> tags provide metadata about your site in the HTML document. These are not displayed on a website, but are analyzed by the various search engines. These tags are generally used to specify :
- Title: your company name and slogan, for example.
- description: your company's field and services
- keywords
- viewport: very useful for making your site responsive.
The "Metatag" SEO module for Drupal offers you numerous possibilities for improving your natural referencing. It allows you to add the above-mentioned meta tags to your Drupal site, which are essential for SEO.
The SEO module "XML Sitemap"
The sitemap is an XML file containing a list of your website's internal URLS.It provides search engines with the various links to your site's content.The "XML Sitemap" module is useful for automatically generating your sitemap.
The SEO module "Pathauto"
Pathauto is a basic Drupal module that lets you modify Drupal's default urls, which are unreadable by search engines, into urls containing your essential SEO keywords.You can easily modify urls such as www.expert-it.com/node/7846 at expert-it.com/en/custom-solutions
The SEO module "Real-time SEO for Drupal"
The "Real-time SEO" module lets you customize the SEO of each of your content items.Based on the keyword you enter in the "focus keyword" field, this module will analyze the various parts of your article: title, content, images, h2, h3 and provide you with advice such as: "the main keyword doesn't appear in the title", "You haven't integrated an image in your content", etc.
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