Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect, also known as EA, is a flexible, comprehensive and powerful UML modeling tool developed by Sparx.Providing a competitive edge for development, project management and business analysis, Enterprise Architect is a CASE tool covering the entire IT project lifecycle - at a very attractive price.
Expert-IT, a service company with expertise in object-oriented technologies, UML, agile methods, Scrum and IT development on various market platforms, has been the distributor of Enterprise Architect in France, Luxembourg and Belgium since 2004. In this capacity, Expert-IT offers a wide range of EA-related services.
Main features of Enterprise Architect :
- Modeling using UML, SysML, BPMN, Archimate, TOGAF and others.
- Requirements Management
- Project management Test Tracking and Maintenance
- Documentation generation
- Front and back generation of code and database
- Supports for MDA (Model Driven Architecture) concepts
- Version management and security
- Edit, Test, Debug, Compile and Code Execution
- Model simulation
- Scripts, Extensions tools and Enrichment of EA
Some customer references concerning our Enterprise Architect services :
- Airbus, Alcatel, Atos Belgique et France, NRB, Fluxys,
- Armée Française, Thales Group, Orsys, MLOZ, Orange France, OneAccess France,
- Ministère de l'Écologie, du Développement durable et de l'Énergie (différents sites en France),
- Cap Gemini, Casino, Cegelec, Eurocontrol, AutoSécurité,
- CNIEG, Data System, Sopragroup, Logica, Renault,
- SNCB, Armée Belge, OTAN, Assurances Fédérales,
- Proximus, ORES, ATRIAS, Callatay Wouters,ONEM/RVA, IBA, SWIFT, Cerema France,
- Les Postes Luxembourgeoises, CITEO,…